With over 7.3 million people under the age of 18, the Ukrainian youth have mostly left the country.
More than 6.6 million Ukrainian refugees have been recorded across Europe and about the same number are displaced inside Ukraine. According to Axios News,
At least 972 children in Ukraine have been killed since the start of the war, UNICEF executive director Catherine Russell said in a statement Monday, though she warned the true number is likely higher.
While Ukranian adults have developed some coping skills to somewhat deal with the current tragedies of war, Ukranian kids and teenagers haven’t had enough life experiences to deal with the cicumstances out of their control. Most are separated from their fathers who are actively fighting in the war. They have relocated, out of school and lost touch with their friends. It’s easy to feel powerless and alone when overwhelmed with circumstances out of their control. Ukraide was formed to aide these kids and more.
Eukraide was formed in 2022 with the mission to support and aid Ukranian youth across the globe as they deal with current war in their home country. We will empower each and every one of them to strive for personal success and a better life.
After a trip to Ukraine shortly before the current war, the Sayah family felt particularly connected to the Ukranian people. Researching the current aid available to the Ukranians, they noticed the one impact of war which was not sufficiently addressed in all the aid organizations was support for Ukrainian kids. UKRAIDE was set up to organize people, particularly kids from all around the world, to get in touch with as many Ukrainian youth as possible to show them they have the support of the world and to help them communicate with peers. Ukraide instills hope in the youth for a better future and empowers them by teaching other languages and skills to promote their success as they grow up to be adults.
Ukraide is entirely self-funded and does not seek any financial donations at this time.